I Miss My Khepi 💔

In the depths of my heart, a sorrow resides,
A longing, aching, that forever abides.
For in my life, a void remains,
Since the day my Khepi’s presence waned.

I miss my Khepi every moment, it seems,
Like a lost star in a sky of broken dreams.
Her laughter, her smile, once filled my days,
Now memories echo, in a bittersweet haze.

Oh, how her warmth embraced my soul,
A love so pure, beyond all control.
Her gentle touch, a soothing balm,
Now I’m left here, in this world so calm.

Her absence, a silence that deafens my heart,
A world devoid of light, torn apart.
The echo of her voice, a whisper in the air,
Reminds me of a love that was beyond compare.

In the twilight hours,
I yearn for her embrace,
To feel her presence,
to see her face.
But time marches on, unyielding and cruel, Leaving me stranded, a grieving fool.

Every moment, the ache intensifies,
As I recall her laughter, her sparkling eyes.
I cherish the moments we shared as one,
Now confined to memories, forever undone.

I miss my Khepi with each passing day,
In this vast emptiness, I silently sway.
Yet deep within, her love lingers on,
A beacon of hope that cannot be withdrawn.

Though the pain persists, I find solace in tears,
For it’s through the sorrow, love truly appears.
And though she’s gone, her spirit remains,
Guiding me through these melancholic plains.

So, I’ll hold her close within my heart’s embrace,
Remembering her love, her ethereal grace.
For even in absence, her love is alive,
A flame that forever in my soul will thrive.

I miss my Khepi every moment, it’s true,
But her love endures, eternal and true.
Until we reunite, on distant shores we’ll meet,
And together we’ll dance, in a love so sweet.

My Guiding Light

Shreyasi, my guiding light,
In my world, you shine so bright.
An important girl, you hold the key,
To a love that fills my heart with glee.

Your presence, a treasure, so pure and true,
With every moment, my admiration grew.
In your eyes, I find solace and peace,
A love that makes all worries cease.

You’re the melody in my symphony,
The colors that paint my life so brilliantly.
Your smile, a sunbeam on cloudy days,
Guiding me through life’s mysterious ways.

Your laughter, a sweet song to my ears,
Erasing all doubts, silencing my fears.
In your embrace, I find endless bliss,
A haven of love, where I long to exist.

You’re the compass that steers me right,
Through darkness, you illuminate my sight.
A pillar of strength, when I feel weak,
With you by my side, I’m complete, not meek.

Shreyasi, you’re the anchor of my soul,
The one who makes my heart feel whole.
In this journey called life, you’re my guide,
Forever grateful to have you by my side. ❤️