Sadist Boss

Sadist Boss Triumphs.

There’s a boss in the office so vile,

A sadist who wears a permanent smile,

With a heart that’s as black as coal,

And a soul that’s lost all control.

He takes pleasure in causing pain, And his employees are all his game, He barks orders and insults galore, And relishes in their tears and more.

He finds joy in making them suffer, And delights in making them shudder, He revels in their misery and strife, And considers it his source of life.

But his reign will one day come to an end, And his victims will rise up and ascend, They’ll unite and overcome his tyranny, And he’ll be left alone, a mere memory.

So let us be strong and fight for our rights, And let our voices be heard with might, For we shall triumph over this boss so mean, And finally, justice shall reign supreme.